Saturday 28 August 2010


You would think it was simple wouldn't you? Broken tumble dryer, therefore take the Mum to get a new one. The hint should be...."take the Mum". Actually the choosing was fine- even paying fine ( guess whose credit card came out!).
Now it has arrived, late, and the men 'Just dumped it in the kitchen' and it does not fit as it needs a 10 metre gap around it, yes 10 metres! And she knows because she has read the instructions! Looks like the tumble dryer needs a whole house to itself!
This was all explained at 9.15 this morning, which was fine if it wasn't a Saturday.

Off now to see the property listings to see if there is a house suitable for a dryer.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Just like the Queen

Went to visit Mum to check all ok before we went away. She needed to go shopping so we popped her into the local town. Not wanting to completely take over,and to let her be a little independent, I left her to go to the chemist on her own. Should have remembered 1. I need to take over and 2. NEVER let her be independent. There came a call from the till to the door where I was waiting as the dutiful daughter..." I have not got any money on me"! Now this may have not been too bad if long suffering hubby had not handed her her weekly money just before leaving the house!!.
So I paid for the cream..... and also the pair of sandles, the two blouses and the present for her great grand children.
Before you feel the need for a collection for me, do not worry, we have power of attorney for just these little situations.